informational meeting

On September 30th the Loup City Board of Education shared the findings and possible outcomes with the residents of Loup City Public Schools from the Facility Plan commissioned in November, 2018,

In response to concerns about the future of the Primary Building which currently houses grades Kindergarten through 2nd Grades, the board engaged an architecture firm to look at the physical structure, the mechanical, electric and HVAC systems and make recommendations.  The concern that immediately was listed was security of the building with the entire south wall of the building being large, older windows and no central access point for entrance to the building during school hours.

The report included several items to be addressed totaling approximately $1.2 million to bring the building up to code and to update areas of the building. Our first attempt to address the safety, new mechanical, electrical and HVAC with an office area to limit access, a hallway along the outer walkway, walls and doors on classrooms, media center and preschool was shown with a probable cost of $3.8 million.  The first option to add on to the current Grades 3-12 building included offices and all classrooms lost in the current building for a price tag of $5.5 million.

The board chose to scale down the project and look at what the building would actually need to meet space and program needs.  The board feels that after 7 plans and meetings with the board and committees that an appropriate plan was achieved.

Click to see the Presentation Slides for the September 30th meeting