Notes from the Board

Board Governance

Role of the Board of Education

The board of education is charged by the Legislature with the duty of providing public elementary and secondary education to the citizens of the district.  The Legislature has also created the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education, and has delegated certain regulatory and advisory functions to them.  The board is responsible to these agencies as specified by law.

The board’s primary duties are: 

  • Establishment of Mission, Goals and Policies 
    • The board shall concern itself with broad questions of mission, goals and policy, rather than administrative details.  The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent of schools and his or her administrative staff, who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school district.  
    • Members of the Board of Education are not involved in the day to day operations of the school district.
  • Establishment and Maintenance of School Facilities and Other Resources 
    • The board is the legal agency through which the community works to provide the physical facilities, curriculum, instructional supplies and staff to enable the district’s mission and objectives to be carried out.  The board will establish and maintain school facilities necessary to educate the students of the district.
    • Members of the Board of Education research and plan for the future of the district by establishing short and long term maintenance and facility goals and timelines.
  • Selection of the Superintendent of Schools 
    • The board will employ a superintendent of schools as the chief executive to whom it will delegate the administration of the school program. As the chief administrator for the board, the superintendent will implement board policies and supervise the day-to-day operation of the school system.  The superintendent will keep the board informed of the implementation of the plans and policies, and will recommend changes to policies as necessary.  The superintendent will furnish educational leadership to the board, the school staff, and the community.
    • The Board of Education will  hire and evaluate the superintendent to ensure the vision and goals for learning and student achievement are attained.
  • Fiscally Responsible Budget 
    • The board will annually adopt a fiscally responsible budget that will permit the district to accomplish its goals and objectives.  The management of the financial program and the development of the proposed budget for the district is delegated to the superintendent.  
    • The board will work for adequate and dependable financial support of the public schools, promotion of effective and efficient organization, and administration of the district.  
  • Evaluation of Program 
    • The board will evaluate, or cause to be evaluated, the progress and results of the educational program on a continuous basis.  In making these evaluations, the board will seek and give appropriate weight to the superintendent’s analysis and recommendations.
    • The board will monitor progress utilizing data as the basis for assessment to ensure accountability for student achievement.
  • Board Committees
    • Loup City Board of Education utilizes the use of committees to sustain the work of the board and to carry out its governing mission. Board committees cannot act for the board but can focus on a specific goal, objective or issue and provide information and recommendations to the board.  Board action can only be taken during a properly called board meeting with a quorum in place.
    • Each committee is made up of three board members and one identified alternate member.  Committee meetings are held in the school facility with the superintendent present at all meetings.  At no time is there a quorum present at a committee meeting nor do the committees have the authority to take formal action on behalf of the board.

The following have been identified as standing committees for the Loup City Board of Education:

  1. Budget Committee - It is the primary duty of the Budget committee to formulate an operational school budget for each ensuing year. 
  2. Policy & Personnel Committee - It is the responsibility of this committee to routinely review and update current policy and participate in the design of new policies as needed. Members of this committee will also assist the administration in the development of sound personnel policies and practices and in the review and update of employee handbooks. 
  3.  Curriculum, Technology, and Americanism Committee - It is the responsibility of this committee to review the current curriculum and curriculum standards, monitor and review the academic performance of the district, assess data and respond to the needed improvements identified by administration. This committee will also be responsible for the technology software/hardware maintenance and upkeep plan, the technology curriculum, and integration into the classrooms and instruction. 
  4. Negotiations Committee - The members of the Negotiations Committee represents the full Board of Education in negotiations with the administration and recognized bargaining unit for members of the Certificated Staff. 
  5. Building & Grounds / Transportation Committee - It is the responsibility of the Building & Grounds/Transportation Committee to recommend to the entire Board, major suggestions for building and campus improvement and transportation. This committee also works with the administration in developing short- and long-term plans for school buildings, campus improvement, and transportation. 
  6. Current Ad Hoc Committees include
    1. Co-op Committee will represent LCPS in athletic cooperative discussions with representatives from Arcadia Public Schools  
    2. Local 2 Lunch Committee will represent the board of education in discussions and implementation of the program that provides beef and pork from local sources for the school nutrition program.
    3. Pre-K Committee will represent LCPS in discussion concerning the Leap Into Learning preschool partnership with CNCAP.

Board Oversight of Bills and Funds

Each month, prior to the regular meeting of the Board of Education, all bills are reviewed by two board members. Members of the budget committee meet with the superintendent to review spending and fund balances.  This oversight of the board is to assure there is no misuse of funds and to allow for any questions or concerns to be addressed prior to the approval of the bills to be paid.